Cousins and Founders of Revelop Anthony El-Hazouri and Charbel Hazzouri run their business like a family; it’s fun, it’s unique and it’s making its mark.
As a result of Charbel Hazzouri (pictured left) and Anthony El-Hazouri’s outlook, every project at Revelop leaves a mark. “If someone looks at it from the outside they can say, ‘that’s something Revelop would have done’,” Anthony explains. “We are unique in every project. People are happy that we’re continuing with what we do and how we do it.”
Both Anthony and Charbel studied property economics at university because they intended to enter the property business. When they received a call from someone asking them to finish building a house for them, they took the opportunity.
“We went, we got that job and we essentially built a two-storey house for a client,” Anthony says. “From that job, we formed the company. For the first two years, we did client work, smaller homes, renovations and alterations. Eventually, the company grew and changed direction.” At its heart, Revelop is a family business. “The staff are an extension of our family,” Anthony explains.
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